Sunday 19 May 2013

London adventures, day 3

On the last day of my London visit I started out for a store called Temptation Alley at the top of Portobello road. I don't recall where I came across the details of this to have it on my list, but after two buses and a walk, there wasn't much temptation, it has unfortunately closed for business. 

nothing to buy here today
A few buses later and I had made my way to Islington High Street and Camden Head. The destination was Loop, the yarn store that always advertises at the beginning of Molly Makes magazine. Oh what a glorious stash of yarn there is in this store, and quite a number of knowledgeable, helpful staff. I only wish I could have stayed around for a knit and natter style session they had that evening.

Upstairs there is more yarn, an area for groups or teaching, and an extensive book collection. One staff member was showing extreme patience sitting with a customer on the couch and effectively teaching her to knit from scratch. The girl had come in saying she wanted to knit a scarf for her boyfriend before he returns home to Japan, but had very little knitting experience. Within fifteen minutes she was on the couch knitting, and had been assured she would have help for the following hour, and then if she wanted to stay on for the open knit group there would be lots of others available to help for for a further two hours. All of this help was free, can't ask for more service than that.

I held strong on not buying any yarn (I must, I must, I must reduce my stash!), but I did buy this fantastic book 'Knitting Masterclass' which is full of fantastic thorough information on adjusting patterns for fit, technical skills (until last year I only knew one cast one method, there's seven in this book!) Multiple ways to cast off too, which I've never come across. Even multiple ways of knitting, which I'm keen to try changing my 'throwing' style (where my right hand moves forward to 'throw' the yarn around the working needle) for a style which requires much less hand movement and therefore strain.

Although the book contains many technical details, diagrams and instructions, it's made not too dry by the addition of projects to put the skills in action, I'm keen to work my way through them.

It's been such a great little trip finding all these stores, and new back streets to investigate.

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